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SUBJECT: Code Blue - Cardiac Arrest

Reviewed By:
Review Date:
Med Staff
Governing Board

REFERENCES: NCCH Nursing Policy and Procedures, CMS Guidelines

SCOPE: All NCCH Nursing and Clinical Staff to be trained, and all NCCH Staff on providing Alert Notifications.

POLICY: Code Blue - Cardiac Arrest


      In the event of a life-threatening inpatient, visitor, or outpatient emergency, the first responsibility of every employee is the safety of the patients, visitors, and other staff members.  It is necessary that each employee be aware of a Code-Blue, and that this code indicates a life-threatening emergency.  Employees must also be aware of their roles during the emergency to ensure the patient receives the best possible care with minimal confusion around the situation and throughout the facility.  A cardiac arrest or "Code Blue" can become a tragic situation if the staff does not act immediately and correctly.

    General Response:

      A Code Blue will be called when a non-responsive patient is encountered anywhere in the organization.  Code Blue is initiated by dialing 6548, wait for beep, press 0, announce "Code Blue" followed by the location three (3) times, then hang-up.

      • The ER physician and all available ACLS certified staff will respond to all inpatient and out-patient Code Blue announcements.
      • BLS/ACLS/PALS protocols will be initiated as indicated.
      • The floor nurse or ERT will bring the Code Cart to the scene.
      • Nursing staff without ACLS will cover the nursing floor to relieve the floor nurse(s) to help with the Code Blue.
      • All available ancillary staff will respond to the Code Blue.  Ancillary staff members to include but not limited to a member of: Respiratory Therapy, Admitting, Radiology, Laboratory, and Unit Secretary.
      • The Med/Surg Charge Nurse will assign duties based on patient care needs on the floor.  The ER RN will determine what staff members need to remain at the Code Blue, and a joint effort between the ER Nurses and Physicians will be undertaken to run the Code.
      • If the Code Blue patient is an outpatient or a visitor, the patient will be transferred to the emergency room as soon as safely possible.

    Following activation of any Code Blue, it is highly recommended that an "Evaluation of Code Blue" form be completed by nursing staff.  The evaluation may be review by NCCH Administration, CNO, or designee.  Deficiencies found in the evaluation form will require further staff education with mock code drills as deemed necessary by NCCH.

    In such evaluations, all information provided is considered confidential and for the purposes of quality assurance review activities.  A healthcare entity or employee that provides information, takes action, or makes a decision or recommendation in the course of a quality assurance process will not be subject to liability for civil damages or any legal action in consequence of such action (ARS 36-2402).